Planning Appeals

Our appeal success rate consistently outstrips the national average.

allPlanning Services

Has your application
been refused?

Whilst the planning process is supposed to be rational and ‘fair’, all too often this is not the case and good applications are refused. If your application has been refused – and you think it is worth carrying on – there are two things you can do:

The first is to submit a revised planning application that takes the council’s feedback into consideration. You can resubmit a new planning application within a year without incurring any additional council fees.

But if you feel your planning application has been decided unfairly, or if the reasons for refusal are subjective, we recommend submitting a planning appeal. And allPlanning will be here to help you do it.

The same goes for Enforcement Notices: we can also help with these. If you receive one of these, it is important to take specialist advice. Once again, we can help.

At allPlanning, our background within council planning departments means we have a strong inside knowledge of the planning system and we understand how key decision makers think – both at Local Planning Authority and Planning Inspectorate levels. This helps us to make sure your appeal has the best chance of success.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call or press the button below to get in touch.

The Appeal Process

When you appeal, the decision is reviewed by an independent inspector. 

Appeals are decided centrally by the planning inspectorate, a government agency based in Bristol. The inspectors have no connection with your local council.

Planning appeals are free, straightforward and a decision is normally reached within just a few months. They are usually decided through written reports (you don’t have to appear in person) and our dedicated planning consultants will manage the whole process for you, from start to finish.

Complete the form below for free advice on your chances of a successful appeal.

After investigating all the points of your refused application, we then will provide you with an honest assessment of your situation and whether a planning appeal would be likely to be successful or what alternative options you have.

Our fees to handle every stage of your case would typically include:

  • A full site appraisal by our lead planner and detailed consultation with you. This allows us to get an invaluable understanding of your case
  • All necessary liaisons with your Council and the Planning Inspectorate
  • All necessary research including Council and Government policies and other decisions that may be relevant to your case
  • Preparation and submission of all documentation
  • Presentation of your case either by a full supporting statement or orally at a hearing or public enquiry if required. Using professional planning arguments, our presentation would answer the type of questions the Planning Inspector may have, challenge the Council’s assumptions and also set out in detail why their decision should be overturned
  • We will always suggest the best type of appeal based on your situation

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